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The Advent prayer for Tuesday, November 29, 2002, comes to us from: Hark the Herald Angels Sing: Daily Prayers for Advent.

28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

Luke 1:28 NIV



I can remember when I went from being the last one picked on the playground to being one of the first. Despite my asthma, I had grown quite athletic and was one of the fastest kids in my middle school. Being chosen was an amazing feeling, but I never forgot what it felt like to be chosen last. I can imagine what Mary must have been thinking when the angel greets her with reverence and honor. Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus, our Savior and the Messiah. She was chosen to nurture, care, and teach Jesus what it meant to be a human being. Mary offered Jesus a mother’s love, compassion, encouragement, and optimism. Amidst hurried pace that accompanies the holiday season, let us take a moment to cherish those we have the privilege to nurture and care for.

--Pastor Anthony

Third Day of Advent Prayer

O Lord, we cannot imagine the weight of responsibility Mary must have carried. Knowing God and the whole world expected her to do so mush must have been overwhelming. And yet, Lord, we often feel overwhelmed by the vocations you have given us – in our jobs, in our families, as neighbors, and as your children. Like Mary, we need to know you are always with us and give us everything we need to live the life set before us. Amen

-Stephenie Hovland

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