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Piano Keys

Music Ministry

Music is a universal language for all ages and all people. We enjoy, encourage, and embrace all styles of

music and performance at FFUMC including vocal choirs, instrumental performance, dance, and drama.

All levels of musicianship are welcome.


Contact for more information about any of our programs.

Church Choir Singers and Music Sheets

Chancel Choir

Vocal choirs meet weekly September - June with breaks in the schedule for various holidays. Members do not have to commit to every week, members work with the Director of Music for scheduling. Chancel Choir performs at Christmas and Easter Cantatas, Sunday services, and concerts in and for the community, and at other venues and churches. Solos and small group selections are also part of the choir repertoire. All styles of music are performed in the Chancel Choir. There are opportunities for all levels of musicianship, so if you love to sing, we’d love to find a place for you!

Acoustic Guitar

Praise & Worship Ensemble (Contemporary Music):

Praise & Worship Ensemble consists of contemporary music performed by vocalists and instrumentalists (usually guitar, bass, drums, piano/keyboards). Members meet periodically as scheduled by the Director of Music to perform for Sunday services, Christmas and/or Easter Cantatas, and other concerts as planned. Ensemble members are needed on a per-service basis and do not have to commit to weekly rehearsals. All levels of musicianship are welcome.

Church Bells

Carillon (Bell) Choir

The Carillon Choir is a group of 12 players who ring 5 octaves of handbells, playing at our regular and special services. Handbells are a great way for someone who doesn’t sing but loves music to be involved in our music ministry, although you can participate in both the Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir. Rehearsals will be scheduled according to the needs of the group, and regular communication will be sent to all members regarding performances, rehearsals, and outreach opportunities. The amount of music reading required varies, so please don’t let that stop you from inquiring if you’re interested. We’d love to have you!


Solo & Small Group Performance

Solo and small group ensemble offerings are available through the Music Ministries at FFUMC. Rehearsals are scheduled through the Director of Music and performances at Sunday services, Christmas and/or Easter Cantatas, concerts, and other outreach opportunities are available for the soloist or small group. We are open to a variety of performance offerings, and work with your schedule to allow artists to share their gifts with the congregation and community. Some performances will coordinate with the Choirs, and others will be Special Music Selections.

Children Singing in a Choir

Children's Choir & Drama Team

Children’s choir meets during Sunday school hour, and performs periodically at Sunday services, Christmas and Easter Cantatas, and other concerts as scheduled at FFUMC or elsewhere in the community. Grades 3-12 are encouraged to join. Repertoire will be handed out according to interest and ability. This choir is fun and a great way for youth to share the joy of music and learn poise, stage presence, and confidence as leaders. Some drama components for children who do not sing are also part of the team - narrators, skit/sketches, poetry, and scenes are part of the repertoire for youth performance. 

Christmas Play.jpg

Special Music, Drama,
and Dance

We embrace all gifts at FFUMC and would love to find a way to weave your offerings into our services and outreach mission. Do you play the dulcimer, marimba, do you sign ASL, do you rap, are you a poet? There are so many ways beyond the traditional that we can worship together. Please contact Debbie Tedrick, Director of Music ( to coordinate.

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33112 Grand River Ave., Farmington, MI 48336  |  |  Tel: (248) 474-6573

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