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The devotion for the Third Sunday of Advent, comes from Michael Hoy's, "Light of Grace: Devotions for Advent."

Get you up to a high mountain, O Zion, hearld of good news; lift up your voice with strength, O Jerusalem, herald of good enws, lift it up, do not fear; say to the cities of Judah, "Here is your God!"

Isaiah 40:9 NRSV


Author's Reflection

With the lights of hope and peace already lit, now the light of joy follows. Isaiah, the herald of good tidings, declares with great exuberance for all of Israel to hear: "Here is your God!"

God had, indeed, come to save his people Israel from their long bondage in exile. these who had been shackled, rejected and cast aside are now set free. But the joy that this herald shares is not limited to the people of Israel. It is a grace for all of humanity (v. 5). In faith, we grasp that promise in the fullness of joy.

God in Christ, in his amazing grace, has come to save us all from our bondage to sin and death. And what's more amazing about that grace is that we who receive this gift are called to be heralds of that good news. Joy is not meant to be quiet or withdrawn but loud and jubilant. Be bold, joyous hearlds, whether on the mountaintops, on the rural plains or on the city streets. Announce the good news with joy for friend and stranger. Announce that God's gracious promise is for all.


Author's Prayer

Lord, as you have freed us from all bondage, fill us with the light of joy, and make us bold to go out and proclaim your amazing grace. Amen.


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