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Holy Week - GUIDED to PEACE

Maundy Thursday / Holy Thursday - A NEW COMMANDMENT is written by Ed Arle

[Jesus] laid aside his outer gaments ... poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet ...

John 13:5


This is Thursday of Holy Week. More than that, it is the night Christians remember as the night Jesus took the whole concept of what it means to love and revolutionized it by bending down to wash his disciples' feet. I don't know about you, but I don't want people handling my feet. To do that, they would see how my toes curl in strange directions. They would see my corns and calluses and broken nails. And yet, Jesus used broken and dirty feet to show the world what love is.

Today isn't just the Thursday of Holy Week; it's Maundy Thursday. The word Maundy comes from the Latin word mandatum, or commandment, to you, that you love one another..." (John 13:34). And with a basin of water and a towel, Jesus shows us how.


Dear Jesus, don't stop teaching me how to love, even if it means starting at the feet and working up to the heart. Amen.


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