The devotion for Thursday, the third week of Advent, comes from Michael Hoy's, "Light of Grace: Devotions for Advent."
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.....
Luke 1:46-47 NRSV
Author's Reflection
Mary's Magnificat is a song of blessing. It proclaims exactly who the coming Child is and what he shall accomplish - setting people free and saving us all from whatever keeps us in dark and lonely places. Ascribing these redeeming acts to this Child of poor and humble birth is surely a blow to the pride of the rich and powerful. But all who vaunt their loftiness are mere pretenders to the lordship of Christ. Jesus, even unto death, takes away all lofty judgement and pride and gives his love and mercy in exchange. He is our one and only Lord and Savior.
But there is even more blessing here. Along with Mary, we get to courageously rejoice in this Good News. We do not live with a spirit of fear but a spirit of power (2 Timothy 1:7). This Child who comes to us with reign for our good. And Christ's light of joy is too good to keep under wraps. Let this joy be a song of blessing, a bless-sing, if you will, for all souls and spirits, in all times and places.
Author's Prayer
Jesus, my Lord and Savior, magnify the light of joy for my soul to sing your blessing for all. Amen.