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Like a Bird

The Upper Room Devotion for Tuesday, May 21, 2024, was written by Sheri Hathaway of Saskatchewan, Canada.



7 “Hear, O my people, and I will speak, O Israel, I will testify against you.I am God, your God. 8 Not for your sacrifices do I rebuke you; your burnt offerings are continually before me. 9 I will not accept a bull from your house, or goats from your folds. 10 For every wild animal of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. 11 I know all the birds of the air, and all that moves in the field is mine. 12 “If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and all that is in it is mine. 13 Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? 14 Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and pay your vows to the Most High. 15 Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”

Psalm 50:7-15 NRSV


Author's Thoughts

When I suddenly became unemployed, I had no source of income and no immediate prospects. I watched my savings shrink and my dreams disappear. I sank into overwhelming debt. I would lie awake at night while visions of bills paraded through my mind.

one morning, I glanced belary-eyed out the window where a tiny bird sang its cheery song then flitted on its way into the wind and rain. I marveled that such a delicate creature could sing and keep busy in spite of the perilous weather. "Let me be like that little bird, Lord," I whispered, "who praises you in the midst of trouble." Slowly my blessings filled my mind. I bowed my head to thank God for all I had. I realized worrying wasn't improving my situation. Like the birds, I needed to keep moving, keep buy, and praise God for watching over me and working in my life.

Inspired by the bird, I kept my focus on praising God rather than allowing worry to keep me from worship. I didn't want to waste my life worrying about my financial state when I could be living my life for God. I took action to change my outlook. I talked to my pastor about doing volunteer work instead of giving money. Financial help slowly came, but those days gave me wealth in new friends, new skills, and a stronger faith in God.


Author's Prayer

Dear Father, show us how to praise you with our hearts and actions each day. Amen.


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