Palm Sunday of holy week - TEARS FOR US is written by Ed Arle
And when [Jesus] drew near and saw the city, he wept over it....
Luke 19:41
I know what it is like to cry. For me as a child, tears came easily. A physical scrape or a bruise always had me running to Mom for a hug or kiss to make the hurt go away. Sometimes, it was a disappointment or sadness that brought on the tears, and I wonder if that's what caused Jesus to weep as he entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Everyone else was celebrating his entry with shouts of "Hosanna" and palm branches, but did anyone happen to notice the tears running down his face?
The closer we come to the cross this Lenten season, the more I believe Jesus wept because sinners, whom he loved, refused to accept the best he could give - his life as Savior. Even today, Jesus' gift of forgiveness is there for us. That's why his tears are tears of love and mercy that waits for us to believe in him.
Dear Lord Jesus, forgive me for missing the tears. Help me to see that those tears are guiding me to see your love and mercy that endure forever. Amen.