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Tuesday, the fourth week of advent devotion comes from Michael Hoy's, "Light of Grace: Devotions for Advent."

We love because he first loved us.

1 John 4:19 NRSV


Author's Reflection

Love is always a risk. And we may not feel that some risks are worth taking. But God in Christ risked all for us and seeks to continue to empower us to have the courage to be bold in God's grace every day by sharing his love.

The Spirit of God descended upon us in our baptism, giving us the courage to proclaim that we are amoung those whom God in Christ has now claimed as sons and daughters. When we gather at the Lord's table, we receive, again, the forgiveness of sins, the outpouring of love upon us even with all the darkness of sin that still clings to our mortal bodies.

Loved, claimed, freed, forgiven and enabled in Christ, we go out into the very world as those in mission. And what mission is that? Sharing the promise, pro-missio, that Jesus came into the world and then went before us to bring the world home to heaven in love.

We love, not fearing judgement or worrying about what others may do to us, but trusting fully in One who "first loved us." Our love is really and truly his love for all. Christ sends us out as his own beloved amassadors. Our neighbors in this world, wherever they may be found, are longing for that light of love.


Author's Prayer

Lord of love, you light the way. Set us free to risk loving all with your love that risked all for us. Amen.


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