Wednesday, the third week of Lent - SHALOM is written by Ed Arle
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance to you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26
What more beautiful words could there be than those words spoken in the Benediction of the close of a worship service? The Lord our God sends us on our way with a blessing the same blessing spoken over the people of God in Moses' day. What God did then, he does now. His face shines on us with grace, even as he lifts his whole being to give us peace.
The word peace in Hebrew is the word shalom. In Hebrew that word is vividly translated, "May all things be for you the way God always wanted them to be." The word shalom invites us to recall the Garden of Eden that God created at the dawn of time and believe that one day we'll be back there again, because of Jesus Christ.
Dear God, never let a day go by without opening my heart and mind to hear and embrace your words of peace in Jesus. Amen.