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The Upper Room Devotion for Friday, December 8, 2023, was written by Wati Mollier of Nagaland, India.



1 I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. 2 He drew me up from the desolate pit, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. 3 He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord. 4 Happy are those who make the Lord their trust, who do not turn to the proud, to those who go astray after false gods. 5 You have multiplied, O Lord my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you. Were I to proclaim and tell of them, they would be more than can be counted.

Psalm 40:1-5 NRSV


Author's Thoughts

My late mother was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer a few years ago. It was a huge test of my faith. Often, when I was overwhelmed with the fear of losing my mother, I would find a secluded spot in the hospital and break into better tears as I bowed down to pray for her.

Sometimes when we are too overwhelmed by burdens of sorrow and grief, we cannot express them through sounds we can utter when we pray. Sometimes what we cannot express in words is expressed through tears, and this is one of the purest and sincerest forms of prayer. God knows what is in our hearts. God weighs and treasures every prayer, whatever form it takes.


Author's Prayer

Dear God, we know that our trials strengthen our faith and make us more like Christ. When we lose our strength, remind us that you are nearby. We pray as Jesus taught us, "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen" (Matt. 6:9-13, KJV).


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